Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Green'n Our Routine

A friend has greatly inspired me to come up with this post. She is so infectious with her "GREEN MANTRA" that am suffering from the Green fever...

Going GREEN is hip, the next kewl thing to do.The very mention of ORGANICS these days would get you a place in an elite club,such is the power of GREEN or will it remain a mere super word in the dictionary.Many would say...what the heck?..future times will say..as i see it...time is running out and probably no tepid excuse will save this world from the shit we collective have planted.

Call it a ploy to make some quick dollars or gain awareness...The movie "Inconvenient truth" could come true or is it already true? ...As Nandini my friend feels , the only way to combat this global crisis which i would is worse than any global economic crisis is being educated...being repsonsible......being receptive to the needs of our EARTH..

And it has to start from our dwellings.... Therefore i have decided to get my act together and render all my support full on to her...Am going GREEN and so will be my ROUTINE....

Below mentioned are my GREEN routine and it would be interesting to know how would you GREEN YOUR ROUTINE..may be this would give a spark to some one else.........

1.I hate plastic bags as i hate lizards or MC Donalds.My new grocery bag is the next cool thing to have.I am trying not to use ziplocks and clingwraps sincerely....Amen !
2. I can stop putting the appliances on stand-by mode,make an effort to switch the lights/heaters off when not in use,move to energy saving lights..uhhmmm..

3. "Warm showers" after a tired day who doesnt like it ...but isshhh i got to put an end to staying in the shower just for fun... I am intending to put up a stopwatch in the bathroom..it sounds funny but as long as it works..am fine.....

4.No more binge shopping for me. Recycle,Reuse and the last R ( i forgot)..but i have decided not to clutter my place.A cluttered space is a cluttered mind....
5.Tissue papers will be sparingly used...at the moment i cannot live without them...but shall make an effort to stop the usage of tissue papers.

Many ways could be adopted to save this humble earth....so my sensible friends....celebrate the Earth which is the only place where you could find some nice chocolate truffles....( watch out for my recipe ..its commin soon)

Happy Green'n your routine.........


Gulmohar Days said...

hey...sorry just saw this post now and my gawd..fantastic! thats a great green list you've got there. you're right, making the environment hip is perhaps the last thing we want to do, but alas so necessary to get the message across. way to go girl!! I will soon be starting a "Kalyani Nagar goes green" campaign...and not just get kids but parents involved too. time some of us got off our ____ and did some work instead of whining and complaining all the time. good luck with your green list and and yes, green is infectious!

Bindu Nayar said...

All the best ..Nandini..way to go !!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bindu, Very thoughtful! Green is definitely healthy and beautiful :)

Plastic bags have to go and actually the substitute paper bags too is equally bad. Instead all of us should take a shopping bag from home like we used to do in the 80s.

I had a Green post too in my draft but got caught up in other campaigns:) Will post one next week.

Kush said...

Going Green. That is a great idea. I do do the needful, but wonder how much of it makes any difference!

Bindu Nayar said...

It depends who you are showing this difference to..if u r doing it for yourself..it makes tonns of difference in your life..